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findy urpath

We are education experts who specialize in helping organizations improve their educational programs and systems. Our team of experienced professionals have a deep understanding of the latest research and best practices in education, and we work closely with our clients to design and implement solutions that meet their unique needs. Whether you're looking to improve student achievement, increase teacher effectiveness, or streamline your administrative processes, we're here to help you achieve your goals. With our guidance and support, you can be confident that you're making smart, evidence-based decisions that will benefit your students, teachers, and staff.

silhoeutte of woman making a jump shot
silhoeutte of woman making a jump shot

We are education experts who specialize in helping organizations improve their educational programs and systems. Our team of experienced professionals have a deep understanding of the latest research and best practices in education, and we work closely with our clients to design and implement solutions that meet their unique needs. Whether you're looking to improve student achievement, increase teacher effectiveness, or streamline your administrative processes, we're here to help you achieve your goals. With our guidance and support, you can be confident that you're making smart, evidence-based decisions that will benefit your students, teachers, and staff.

What we offer.


Each of us is a master of our craft – we've worked for decades in education and each have passion and creative vision for every project we put our hands on.

Flexible Pricing

Customizable solutions for any price point.

SchoolPath offers flexible pricing options to meet the unique needs and budgets of the schools we work with. Our pricing is tailored to the specific needs and goals of each school, and can be adjusted to fit the size, budget and requirements of your school. Whether you're a small, startup school or a large, established institution, we can work with you to create a pricing plan that fits your needs and budget.


We're not scared to go beyond the horizon. As the visionaries of tomorrow, we won't say no to experimentation, unusual materials, or unlikely combinations.

What we do.


School Startups

SchoolPath provides the tools and resources you need to start a new school. Whether you're a first-time school founder or an experienced educator, SchoolPath can help you navigate the complex process of starting a school. From securing a location to creating a curriculum and recruiting staff, SchoolPath provides the guidance and support you need to turn your vision for a new school into a reality. With SchoolPath, you can build a school that meets the unique needs of your community and empowers students to reach their full potential.


School Improvement / Growth

SchoolPath can help you improve your existing school by leveraging the latest technology and updating your processes. Our platform offers a range of tools and resources to help you integrate technology into your curriculum and instruction, giving your students access to the latest learning resources. Additionally, SchoolPath provides support and guidance for updating your school's processes, such as implementing data-driven decision making, creating a more effective assessment system and streamlining communication, which can help you identify and address issues more efficiently and effectively. With SchoolPath, you can create a modern, technology-enabled learning environment that meets the unique needs of your students and staff and enables you to achieve your school's goals.


Technology Integration / Updates

Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to seamless school management with SchoolPath! Our cutting-edge technology integration streamlines all aspects of school administration, from digital record keeping to payroll, staff management, attendance tracking, and more. With SchoolPath, you can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time focused on what matters most - your students. Our platform offers advanced features such as conferencing, scheduling, and detailed reports, all designed to improve efficiency and simplify your day-to-day operations. Trust us to take your school or center to the next level and join the future of education with SchoolPath!


If you're interested in learning more about how our education consultancy can help you and your organization, we would love to hear from you.

We look forward to working with you!